Release Notes |
Data Points
Akamai AMP (Android)
- Ad Impression (Freewheel) - Fired when an Ad impression is recorded by the video player.
- Media Request (ad) (Freewheel) - Event signifies the video player requests the video from the server. The could be triggered by the user clicking on a play button of a thumbnail. If the video is played automatically, this may be fired when the player starts loading.
- Ad ID (Freewheel) - Identifier of the ad asset shown.
- App Session ID - Unique identifier for the user's current Datazoom session. Session will persist as long as the user is viewing content uninterrupted. A 20 minute pause in activity will close the session.
- Heartbeat Count - Incremental tracker identifying the order of Heartbeat events from the Collector.
- Media Type (ad) (Freewheel) - Specifies whether the event relates to an Ad or Content asset.
Bitmovin (iOS)
- Playhead Position - Returns the current point in the video timeline in seconds.
- Seek End Point - The ending point of a seek event, representing the content timecode in milliseconds. Value will appear as an attribute on Seek End events
- Seek Start Point - The starting point of a seek event, representing the content timecode in milliseconds. Value will appear as an attribute on Seek End events
- Stop - When the player has entered a stopped state due to any reason such as the user hitting a stop button, backgrounding the app, user switches content or the content has ended playback.
- Volume Change - Triggered when the player increases or decreases the audio level of the video.
- Playback Duration - Cumulative time that content & ads have been playing during the Content Session. Excludes time accrued while user pauses content or buffering.
- ABS Shift - Describes the direction of the rendition change that occurred during Adaptive Bitrate Streaming. Values ‘up’ or ‘down’ depends on the value of the previous rendition. 'absShift' is an attribute of the Rendition Change event.
FireTV - ExoPlayer
- Heartbeat Count - Incremental tracker identifying the order of Heartbeat events from the Collector.
- Ad Click (Google IMA) - Triggered when the user interacts with an advertisement
- Current Audio Track - Identifies which available audio track has been selected by the user. Multiple audio tracks are usually used for alternate languages. Values returned may vary by content publisher & player.
- Current Subtitles - Identifies which available subtitle or closed captioning track has been selected by the user. Multiple captioning tracks are usually used for alternate languages. Values returned may vary by content publisher & player.
- Engagement Duration - Cumulative time that user has been engaged with the app or site, including time spent not viewing video.
- Time Since Last Ad Request - Time interval since advertisement was requested.
- Time Since Last Ad Started - Time interval since advertisement started playing.
- ABS Shift - Describes the direction of the rendition change that occurred during Adaptive Bitrate Streaming. Values ‘up’ or ‘down’ depends on the value of the previous rendition. 'absShift' is an attribute of the Rendition Change event.
- Ad Blocker - States whether an Ad Blocker was detected or not.
- Ad Click Url (Google IMA) - URL opened when the user interacts with an ad during playback.
- Browser Height - The height of the end user's browser window at the time when the event occurred.
- Browser Width - The width of the end user's browser window at the time when the version occurred.
- Ready State - Identifies the current ready state of the audio/video
- Server Timestamp Offset - Time difference between the client side timestamp and the server side timestamp in milliseconds. A negative offset value would indicate that the Client is ahead of the server.
- Object Type (CMCD) - The media type of the current object being requested: m = text file, such as a manifest or playlist a = audio only v = video only av = muxed audio and video i = init segment c = caption or subtitle tt = ISOBMFF timed text track k = cryptographic key, license or certificate. o = other If the object type being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.
- Streaming Format (CMCD) - The streaming format that defines the current request. d = MPEG DASH h = HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) s = Smooth Streaming o = other If the streaming format being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.
- Number of Errors - Ads - Running count of the number of errors that have occurred while ads are playing during the user's current session.
- Mobile Connection - Specifies if a user is on a mobile connection as determined by their IP address.
- Timezone Name - The name of the user's timezone where the event originated based on their IP address.
- Timezone Offset - The difference in hours, relative to UTC, of the user's timezone.
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