Release Notes |
Data Points
Akamai AMP
- Preload - Identifies whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads. It may have one of the following values: none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded; metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched; auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
- Preload - Identifies whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads. It may have one of the following values: none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded; metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched; auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
- Preload - Identifies whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads. It may have one of the following values: none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded; metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched; auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
- Qualified View (ad) - This event is fired when the user has watched a specified duration of video playback.
- Time Since Last Milestone - Ad - Time interval since Milestone event was last sent for ad.
- Ad Time Offset (Google IMA) - Returns the point in time during the content playback at which the current ad pod was scheduled to appear. For pods in VOD streams with dynamically inserted ads, stream time is returned.
- Qualified View Trigger (ad) - Number indicating the playback duration triggering the Qualified View event.
- Preload - Identifies whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads. It may have one of the following values: none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded; metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched; auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
- Preload - Identifies whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads. It may have one of the following values: none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded; metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched; auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
- Cast Transfer - Signifies that an orchestration event has occurred between casting sender & receiver devices. Upon cast initialization if both the sender and receiver are instrumented with Datazoom SDKs, a cast transfer event will be fired from both devices.
- Resize - Fired when the player's on-page dimensions have changed. This event is not fired in response to a Fullscreen change.
- Unmute - Triggered when the player audio has been reactivated.
- Volume Change - Triggered when the player increases or decreases the audio level of the video.
- Buffer Duration - Ads - Cumulative time that content has been buffering during ad playback in current Content Session.
- Number of Ad Plays - Running count of the number of ads played during the user's current session.
- Stall Count - Ads - Number of times the user's playback of Ads has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion.
- Stall Duration - Ads - The cumulative amount of time elapsed where the user's playback of Ads has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion.
- Time Since Last Buffer Start - Time interval since Buffer Start event began during playback.
- Time Since Last Buffer Start - Ad - Time interval since Buffer Start event began during advertisement playback.
- Time Since Last Heartbeat - Time interval since Heartbeat was last sent for the current content session.
- Volume Level - The current playback volume as a whole number percentage.
- Cast App Session ID - The app session identifier from a related casting device. When collected from the receiver, this value represents the original user app session that was started on the sender device; otherwise the value will represent the app session created on the cast device.
- Cast Content Session ID - The content session identifier from a related casting device. When collected from the receiver, this value represents the original user content session that was started on the sender device; otherwise the value will represent the content session created on the cast device.
- Preload - Identifies whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads. It may have one of the following values: none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded; metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched; auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
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