Apple AVPlayer Collector
Our Apple AVPlayer Collector offers a set of utilities and capabilities to facilitate seamless integration with your Apple AVPlayer implementation. It provides common code and abstraction layers to streamline the integration of Datazoom's tracking capabilities into AVPlayer-powered applications.
The preferred way of installing Collector is via the Swift Package Manager.
Swift package manager
Add Swift Package Dependency - navigate to File → Add Packages
Paste the repository URL: https://gitlab.com/datazoom/apple/libraries-release/apple_dz_avplayer_adapter
For Rules, select Branch (with branch set to main) and click Add Package.
On the confirmation dialog click Add Package, again.
Note: Instead of downloading the full git history of the Apple AVPlayer Collector and building it from source, this repo just contains a pointer to the precompiled XCFramework included in the latest Apple AVPlayer Collector release.
Add the 'DzAVPlayerAdapter' pod in the podfile
source 'https://gitlab.com/datazoom/pod-specs.git'
pod 'DzAVPlayerAdapter'
To integrate the Apple AVPlayer Collector into your project:
Initialize DzAVPlayerAdapter by providing your Datazoom configurationId.
let configBuilder = Config.Builder(configurationId: configId)
configBuilder.logLevel(logLevel: .verbose)
configBuilder.isProduction(isProduction: isProduction)
Datazoom.shared.doInit(config: configBuilder.build())
Create Context
If you want to track events from your AVPlayer, you need to create a context and assign your player to it so that the SDK can track events and metadata from your specified player.
* Creates a player context. A player context is used to embed the player with Datazoom and is responsible for player-specific events.
* - Parameters:
* - player: The AVPlayer instance.
* - eventSpace: The event space to be used to create the player context. This parameter is optional. If not provided, a default event space will be created.
* - Returns: The DzAdapter.
* @see <a href="https://help.datazoom.io/">Datazoom Help</a>
func createContext(
player: AVPlayer,
eventSpace: BaseContext = Datazoom.shared.createBaseContext()
) -> DzAdapter
Datazoom.shared.createContext(player: yourAVPlayer)
Custom Metadata - Context
Context custom metadata is used to attach metadata, which is a Dictionary of your choice, to each event sent from the given context you created using the Datazoom object. For more information, please refer to the Datazoom documentation on custom metadata.
API looks like
* Sends metadata to Context.
* - Parameters:
- metadata: a Dictionary that will be attached to each event being sent from SDK, for more information on this topic, please visit our
* documentation.
func setMetadata(metadata: <String, Any>)
"property": "custom property",
"property2": "custom property2",
You can also retrieve your current metadata by calling the following API:
* Returns the metadata that is being sent with each event in given context.
* @return The metadata that is being sent with each event in given context.
func getMetadata() -> <String, Any>
We have the ability to fire casting events however we don't track any communication you have with chromecast receiver. You'll need to integrate our Chromecast Collector on your receiver in order to collect events from the cast session. We expect you to invoke context/adapter
following function with a bool
sending casting state.
func sendCastEvent(isCasting: Bool)
yourAVPlayerContext.sendCastEvent(isCasting = {castingState})
Player width and height
We have the ability to gather player width and height and track if there any change in the dimensions. We expect you to invoke context/adapter
following function with a UIView
sending the superview of the AVPlayer.
func setPlayerView(playerView: UIView)
yourAVPlayerContext.setPlayerView(playerView: yourVideoPlayerView)
Datazoom supports tracking of Fullscreen/Exit Fullscreen events. We expect you to invoke context/adapter
following function with a boolean
sending Fullscreen state.
func sendFullScreenEvent(isFullScreen: Bool)
yourAVPlayerContext.sendFullScreenEvent(isFullScreen = {isFullScreen})
Custom Events - Context
To send events in the context scope, you can use the following method, with each parameter explained below.
* Sends an event to given context.
* - Parameters:
* - name: The name of the event.
* - payload: a Dictionary that will be attached to each event being sent from given context, for more information on this topic, please visit our documentation.
func generateEvent(name: String, payload: <String, Any>)
name = "login",
eventMap =
"property": "custom property",
"property2": "custom property2",
Custom Events - Global
To send events in the global scope, you can use the following method, with each parameter explained below.
* Sends an event to Datazoom.
* - Parameters:
* - name: The name of the event.
* - payload: a Dictionary that will be attached to each event being sent from SDK, for more information on this topic, please visit our documentation.
fun generateEvent(name: String, payload: <String, Any>)
name = "login",
eventMap =
"property": "custom property",
"property2": "custom property2",
Custom Metadata - Global
Global metadata is used to attach metadata, which is a HashMap of your choice, to each event sent from any context you created using the Datazoom object. For more information, please refer to the Datazoom documentation on custom metadata.
API looks like
* Sends metadata to Datazoom.
* - Parameters:
* - metadata: a Dictionary that will be attached to each event being sent from SDK, for more information on this topic, please visit our
* documentation.
fun setMetadata(metadata: <String, Any>)
"property": "custom property",
"property2": "custom property2",
Get all player context
Datazoom supports having multiple contexts. You can create multiple contexts and Datazoom will keep track of all created contexts and give ability to get them if you need them anytime of your app lifecycle.
API looks like
* Returns a list of all player contexts.
* @return A list of all player contexts. You can retrieve list of all player contexts at anytime in player lifecycle.
fun playerContexts() -> [DzAdapter]
Destroy Context
If you want to destroy a context, there are multiple ways to do it. Ideally, you should ask the Datazoom object to destroy the context by either providing your context ID or the context/adapter itself.
* Removes a player context.
* @param adapter The adapter to be used to remove the context.
fun removeContext(adapter: DzAdapter)
* Removes a player context.
* @param id The id of the player context to be removed. its the same id returned by
* @sample createContext(adapter: DzAdapter): String
fun removeContext(id: String)
Please make sure that once the context is removed from Datazoom, you do not use it for communication because it will no longer be able to communicate with the server, and you might miss critical events.
Listening SDK events
Datazoom.shared.sdkEvents.watch { event in
guard let eventDescription = event?.description as? String else { return }
if eventDescription.contains("SdkInit") {
// SDK initialized
} else if eventDescription.contains("SdkError") {
// SDK error
} else if eventDescription.contains("AdapterCreated") {
// Adapter created
Supported Client Events
The "SdkInit" event signals the successful initialization of the SDK and the receipt of the API key used during initialization. Upon receiving this event, users can confidently proceed with utilizing the SDK's functionalities, knowing that the SDK is ready for use with the provided API key. Ensure to handle this event appropriately in your application code to synchronize operations requiring the SDK's readiness.
The "SdkError" event is triggered when an error occurs during the operation of the SDK. This event provides crucial information about the nature of the error, such as error codes or descriptive messages, allowing developers to identify and handle errors effectively within their applications.
The "AdapterCreated" event signifies the successful creation of an adapter within the SDK. This event provides notification to developers that the adapter, responsible for interfacing with external systems or components, is ready for use. Utilize this event to synchronize operations dependent on the availability of the adapter within your application code.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
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