Global Retry Pacing
Any messages that fail to be delivered to the Connector end-point will be tried again quickly to determine if the issue was only a momentary issue that resolved itself. If the attempt failure continues, messages will be held in a longer queue and reattempted over a longer time period; this delayed pacing offers two benefits. First, it allows more time for a Connector destination that is suffering an outage to recover while event messages remain safely stored in the Datazoom platform for further attempts later. Second, if events are being rejected from the Connector due to rate limiting, the pacing allows for messages to be sent in larger batches smoothing the rate of interaction with the Connector which will hopefully appease the rate limiters.
Data Points
Akamai AMP
- Stall End - Event fired when video starts playing again after a stall and the buffer has been replenished and playback resumes.
- Stall Start - Stall Start event is triggered when playback of video stops because the buffer has been depleted causing an unexpected interruption for the user.
- eventCount - Incremental counter of the events generated during a user session. This field is valuable for ensuring proper sequencing of events and detecting any potential data loss.
- totalStartupDuration - This timer represents the total time a user spent waiting for content to begin playback excluding any time spent viewing pre-roll ads.
Akamai AMP (tvOS)
- Custom Event - Add any user or system behavioral event to the Datazoom data stream. Requires custom coding on the page or in the app by customer developer.
- Play Request - Event signifies the video player requests the video from the server. The trigger could be the user clicking on a play button of a thumbnail. If the video is played automatically, this may be fired when the player starts loading.
- Playback Start - This event is fired when the video starts playing & is viewable by the user.
- Player Ready - Signifies when the player has been initialized and is ready for playback. This is the earliest point at which any API calls should be made
- Playing - The media is no longer blocked from playback, and has started playing.
- Ad Click - Triggered when the user interacts with an advertisement
- Ad Error - Thrown if an error occurs during ad playback or retrieval of an ad
- Ad Impression - Fired when an Ad impression is recorded by the video player.
- Ad Loaded - Fired when the ad is fully loaded into the player & ready to begin playback.
- Ad Play - Fired whenever an ad starts playing for the first time.
- Ad Request - When ad is requested from the ad server.
- numberOfAdsPlayed - Running count of the number of ads played during the user's current session.
- numberOfErrors - Running count of the number of errors that have occurred during the user's current session.
- playbackDuration - Cumulative time that content & ads have been playing during the current video View. Excludes time accrued while user pauses content or buffering. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View.
- timeSinceAdStarted - Time interval since advertisement started playing, reported in milliseconds
- timeSinceLastAd - Time interval since the last advertisement completed., reported in milliseconds
- adPosition - Where the ad appears in relation to the video content. Pre-roll ads run before the content, mid-roll ads run during the middle of the content & post-roll ads run after the content has completed streaming.
- adBlocker - Whether an Ad Blocker was detected or not.
- Ad Loaded - Fired when the ad is fully loaded into the player & ready to begin playback.
- Ad Play - Fired whenever an ad starts playing for the first time.
- Error - Thrown if an error occurs during content playback or retrieval of the video
- numberOfErrors - Running count of the number of errors that have occurred during the user's current session.
- adPosition - Where the ad appears in relation to the video content. Pre-roll ads run before the content, mid-roll ads run during the middle of the content & post-roll ads run after the content has completed streaming.
- advertisingId - Advertising ID is a user resettable ID assigned by the device or operating environment for advertising purposes (e.g. targeting, frequency capping). The key difference between a Device ID and an Advertising ID is that advertising IDs can be reset by the user at any time. Examples include Apple's IDFA and Android's AAID.
- errorCode - Error object representing a code explicitly identified by the player
- errorMsg - Error object representing a message about the error explicitly identified by the player
- frameRate - The frames per second of the current video encoding.
- playbackStallDuration - The cumulative amount of time elapsed where the user's playback has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion during a View.
- timeSinceBufferStart - Time interval since Buffer Start event began during content playback, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when another Buffer Start event occurs.
- isMuted - True if player is muted.
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