Connector-side Data Sampling
Datazoom now offers more capabilities to control data flow to Connector destinations. With Connector-side Sampling, customers can set a percentage of data that should be sent to a specific Connector destination. This is useful for managing costs or data caps within specific analytic tools while still allowing full data sets to be collected and sent to Data Warehouses or other Connectors without service level caps or cost concerns.
Connector Sampling is done based on the User Session. Customers will receive all events from a user whose session is deemed to be "in the sample". This ensures completeness of data set for a user. Each Connector configuration features a Sampling Rate slider that will determine the percentage of user sessions included in the sample. The default value is 100%.
Please note, if a sampling rate is changed on an active Connector config, this may result in some partial data from active sessions that are added or dropped from the session. Also, the Sampling Rate as configured in the UI is a target percentage, the actual amount of data and sessions included in the sample may differ depending on a variety of factors. Higher rates of usage will improve accuracy of sampling, reducing deviations, bringing the actual sampling rate closer to the target rate.
Data Points
- downloaded - Is the source media file playing from downloaded media as opposed to streaming media.
- wrapperCreativeIds - Selected creative IDs used for wrapper ads. The creative IDs returned starts at the inline ad and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- wrapperId - Ad IDs used for wrapper ads. The IDs returned starts at the inline ad (innermost) and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- numberOfAdsPlayed - Running count of the number of ads played during the user's current session.
- timeSinceAdBreakStart - Time interval since the current pod of advertisements began., reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when Ad Break Start event occurs.
- timeSinceAdRequested - Time interval since advertisement was requested, reported in milliseconds
- timeSinceAdSeekStart - Time interval since the occurrence of an Ad Seek Start event, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when Ad Seek Start event occurs.
- timeSinceAdStarted - Time interval since advertisement started playing, reported in milliseconds
- timeSinceSeekStart - Time interval since the occurrence of a Seek Start event, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when Seek Start event occurs.
- Ad Pause - Fired when the ad is paused. Depending on your implementation pausing an ad may not be allowed.
- Ad Play - Fired whenever an ad starts playing for the first time.
- Ad Resume - When playback of the ad is resumed after being paused.
- engagementDuration - Cumulative time that user has been engaged with the page, including time spent not viewing video.
- engagementDurationAds - Cumulative time the player has spent playing and buffering Ads.
- engagementDurationContent - Cumulative time the player has spent playing and buffering Content.
- numberOfVideosPlayed - The amount of content assets watched during the current viewing session.
- adId - ID of the ad shown.
- server_ts_millis_offset - Time difference between the client side timestamp and the server side timestamp in milliseconds. A negative offset value would indicate that the server is behind the client.
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