Release Notes |
Data Points
Akamai AMP
- Buffer Duration - Content - Cumulative time that content has been buffering during content playback in current Content Session.
- Stall Duration - Content - The cumulative amount of time elapsed where the user's playback of Content has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion.
- Time Since Content Request - Time interval since content playback was requested.
- Time Since Content Started - Time interval since current content playback began.
- Time Since Last Buffer Start - Content - Time interval since Buffer Start event began during content playback, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when another Buffer Start event occurs.
- Time Since Last Heartbeat - Time interval since Heartbeat was last sent for the current content session.
- Time Since Last Milestone - Ad - Time interval since Milestone event was last sent for ad.
- Time Since Last Milestone - Content - Time interval since Milestone event was last sent for content.
- Time Since Last Pause - Time interval since content playback was paused., reported in milliseconds
- Time Since Last Rendition Change - Time interval since content playback shifted to a different available quality version from the manifest., reported in milliseconds
- Time Since Last Seek Start - Time interval since the occurrence of a Seek Start event.
- Time Since Last Stall Start - Content - Time interval since Stall Start event began during content playback.
- Asset ID - Unique identifier of the content shown. This may be produced by the CMS or publishing system.
- Client Timestamp - Client side timestamp of the event in epoch milliseconds
- Connector List - List of the Connectors configured for this Collector via a Datazoom Data Pipe.
- Event Type - Name of the event that describes the message
- Server Timestamp Offset - Time difference between the client side timestamp and the server side timestamp in milliseconds. A negative offset value would indicate that the Client is ahead of the server.
Amazon IVS
- Custom Event - Add any user or system behavioral event to the Datazoom data stream. Requires custom coding on the page or in the app by customer developer.
- Resume (Content) - This event is fired when the user begins playing again after pausing the video during playback.
- Event Count - Incremental counter of the events generated during a user session. This field is valuable for ensuring proper sequencing of events and detecting any potential data loss.
- Country - Full name of the user's country
- Country Code - The country from which the browser initiated the event. For a list of country codes, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 .
- Custom Metadata - Customers can add any user or system data to the Datazoom data stream. Requires custom coding on the page or in the app by customer developer.
- Device ID - Unique identifier of the user's device.
- Device Type - Describes the type of device category being used during the session such as phone, tablet, desktop, connected device, game console, etc.
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