Bytes Served
Released in version 1.74
Definition: Size of full Response (Bytes) sent, includes Header and Body.
Technical Name: bytes_served
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: number
Node Location: event.metrics
Permitted Values: any
Unit: Bytes
Max Decimals: 0
Time To First Byte
Released in version 1.80
Definition: The number of microseconds between receiving the request and writing the first byte of the response, as measured on the server.
Technical Name: time_to_first_byte_ms
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: number
Node Location: event.metrics
Permitted Values: any
Unit: milliseconds
Max Decimals: 0
Time To Last Byte
Released in version 1.80
Definition: Time-Taken since the first byte read to the last byte sent.
Technical Name: time_to_last_byte_ms
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: number
Node Location: event.metrics
Permitted Values: any
Unit: milliseconds
Max Decimals: 3
Message Metadata
Request Params
Released in version 1.74
Definition: List of the query parameters included in the request sent to the CDN.
Technical Name: request_params
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: event
Permitted Values: Any
CDN Data
Cache Hit
Released in version 1.74
Definition: Boolean value indicating if the response pulled from server's local cache.
Use Case
If the result of a CDN request is a MISS that indicates the content was not readily available in the CDN cache & had to be retrieved from another location. Depending on the CDN this may result delays delivering content or require the player to re-request the content.
Technical Name: cache_hit
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: bool
Node Location: cdn
Permitted Values: value list
Example Value: false
Value List: true, false
Cache Result
Released in version 1.74
Definition: Additional information that expands on the cacheHit data point describing the result or actions taken if the cache is unavailable.
Use Case
If the result of a CDN request is a MISS that indicates the content was not readily available in the CDN cache & had to be retrieved from another location. Depending on the CDN this may result delays delivering content or require the player to re-request the content.
Technical Name: cache_result
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: cdn
Permitted Values: any
Example Value: Refresh Hit
Content Type
Released in version 1.74
Definition: The value of the HTTP Content-Type header of the response.
Technical Name: content_type
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: cdn
Permitted Values: any
HTTP Status
Released in version 1.74
Definition: HTTP Status Code returned by the server.
Technical Name: http_status
Applicable for: Ad, Live, Content, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: cdn
Permitted Values: any
Example Value: 200
Released in version 1.74
Definition: The name of the domain that originated the request. Common referrers include search engines, other websites that link directly to your objects, and your own website.
Technical Name: referrer
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: page
Permitted Values: URL
Event ID
Released in version 1.74
Definition: Unique identifier for each event message fired by a Collector or log file received by Datazoom. The string includes an incremental counter at the end to allow for sequencing the events from a user session.
Use Case
Provides a UUID that can be used for de-dupping records in the data platform or Connector.
Technical Name: event_id
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: root
Permitted Values: any
Example Value: ddee8570-3dd5-4cfa-aeac-04d694c4c22a_00.00001
Released in version 1.74
Definition: Host of the client's request.
Technical Name: host
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: cdn
Permitted Values: any
User Details
Client IP Address
Released in version 1.74
Definition: IP address of the user's device
Technical Name: client_ip
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: user_details
Permitted Values: IP address
Example Value:
Content Session ID
Released in version 1.74
Definition: A unique id for the current video playback session.
Technical Name: content_session_id
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: user_details
Permitted Values: UUID incremented
Example Value: 3bba4192-8105-4498-ae34-587154d56fa6-4
User Agent
Released in version 1.74
Definition: Contains a number of tokens that refer to aspects of the user device, including the user's browser name and version, rendering engine, device’s model number, operating system and its version, etc.
Technical Name: user_agent
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: user_details
Permitted Values: any
Example Value: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.71 Safari/537.36
Released in version 1.74
Definition: The city or town where the user is located
Technical Name: city
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: geo_location
Permitted Values: any
Example Value: Santa Rosa Beach
Country Code
Released in version 1.74
Definition: The country from which the browser initiated the event. For a list of country codes, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 .
Technical Name: country_code
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: geo_location
Permitted Values: 2 letter code
Example Value: US
Released in version 1.74
Definition: The specific administrative division within a country where the event occurred. In the United States, regions correspond to state names ; for example, Washington or New York.
Technical Name: region
Applicable for: Ad, Content, Live, VOD
Field Type: string
Node Location: geo_location
Permitted Values: any
Example Value: Florida
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