Release Notes |
Data Points
Akamai AMP (Android)
- Datazoom Loaded - Signifies that the Datazoom SDK has been loaded and activated. At this point, the video player can be instantiated or custom events can be sent by the application.
- City - The city or town where the user is located
- Configuration ID - Datazoom Collector configuration ID. Allows customers to differentiate data on the Connector from different Collectors. This could be useful for separating test content from production data.
- Country Code - The country from which the browser initiated the event. For a list of country codes, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 .
- Latitude - Location information for the user
- Longitude - Location information for the user
- OS Name - Operating System of the user's device
- OS Version - Version of Operating System being used during the session
- Region Code - The specific administrative division within a country where the event occurred. In the United States, regions correspond to state codes ; for example, WA or NY.
- Timestamp - Time of the event occurrence in Epoch UTC milliseconds.
- User Agent - Contains a number of tokens that refer to aspects of the user device, including the user's browser name and version, rendering engine, device’s model number, operating system and its version, etc.
Akamai AMP (iOS)
- Player Name - States which video player generated the event
Akamai AMP (tvOS)
- Media Loaded (content) - Fired when the video is fully loaded into the player & ready to begin playback.
- Media Request (content) - Event signifies the video player requests the video from the server. The could be triggered by the user clicking on a play button of a thumbnail. If the video is played automatically, this may be fired when the player starts loading.
- Pause (content) - Pause event is fired when the player enters a paused state. This can be triggered when the user hits the Pause button to temporarily halt video playback or it can occur as part of the player's normal state changes as media is loading, resuming or concluding.
- Rendition Change (content) - When the Player's Adaptive Bitrate Streaming upshifts or downshifts during Content Playback to a different quality level available in the manifest. This event includes absShift attribute identifying the direction of the change.
- ABS Shift - Describes the direction of the rendition change that occurred during Adaptive Bitrate Streaming. Values ‘up’ or ‘down’ depends on the value of the previous rendition. 'absShift' is an attribute of the Rendition Change event.
- Device Type - Describes the type of device category being used during the session such as phone, tablet, desktop, connected device, game console, etc.
- DZ SDK Version - Version number of the Datazoom SDK that generated the event message.
- Event Type - Name of the event that describes the type of user or system behavior that caused the event to fire.
- Media Type (content) - Specifies whether the event relates to an Ad or Content asset.
- Stop - When the player has entered a stopped state due to any reason such as the user hitting a stop button, backgrounding the app, user switches content or the content has ended playback.
- Continent - The name of the continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Continent Code - The continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Deal ID (Google IMA) - Returns the first deal ID present in the wrapper chain for the current ad, starting from the top.
- District - The district, subdivision of city from where the event originated as determined by the user's IP address.
- Mobile Connection - Specifies if a user is on a mobile connection as determined by their IP address.
- Ready State - Identifies the current ready state of the audio/video
- Referrer URL - The URL of the page the user visited before coming to the active page.
- Site Domain - URL Domain of the site hosting the video player.
- Timezone Name - The name of the user's timezone where the event originated based on their IP address.
- Timezone Offset - The difference in hours, relative to UTC, of the user's timezone.
- Wrapper Creative IDs (Google IMA) - Selected creative IDs used for wrapper ads. The creative IDs returned starts at the inline ad and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- Wrapper ID (Google IMA) - Ad IDs used for wrapper ads. The IDs returned starts at the inline ad (innermost) and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- Wrapper Systems (Google IMA) - Ad systems used for wrapper ads. The ad systems returned starts at the inline ad and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- Buffer End (content) - Event is fired when video starts playing again after a buffer is completed.
- Buffer Start (content) - Buffer Start identifies anytime the player has to wait for the video buffer to fill with video segments . This event includes all visible buffering activity including during playback startup, connectivity issues or buffering that may occur when resuming after seek or pause.
- Heartbeat - Periodic event that provides updated insight into all of the selected FluxData metrics fired at the specified Heartbeat interval.
- Player Ready - Signifies when the player has been initialized and is ready for playback.
- Playing (content) - The media is no longer blocked from playback, and has started playing. Fired when playback resumes from Stall, Buffering or Seek.
- Stall End (content) - Event fired when video starts playing again after a stall and the buffer has been replenished and playback resumes.
- Stall Start (content) - Stall Start event is triggered when playback of video stops because the buffer has been depleted causing an unexpected interruption for the user.
- Bandwidth - Amount of estimated network bandwidth currently available to the end user's device.
- Buffer Duration - Content - Cumulative time that content has been buffering during content playback in current Content Session.
- Buffer Length - The amount of media currently stored in the player buffer waiting to be played.
- Playback Duration - Content - Cumulative time that content has been playing during the current video Content Session. Excludes time accrued while user pauses content or buffering.
- Player State - Returns the player's current playback state. (Idle, buffering, playing, paused)
- Rendition Video Bitrate - Target bitrate of the currently selected video rendition from the manifest. The manifest may contain multiple versions (i.e. renditions) of the video encoded at varying qualities to support varying network conditions.
- Stall Duration - Content - The cumulative amount of time elapsed where the user's playback of Content has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion.
- Time Since Last Buffer Start - Content - Time interval since Buffer Start event began during content playback, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when another Buffer Start event occurs.
- Time Since Last Heartbeat - Time interval since Heartbeat was last sent for the current content session.
- Client Timestamp - Client side timestamp of the event in epoch milliseconds
- Continent - The name of the continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Continent Code - The continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Device ID - Unique identifier of the user's device.
- District - The district, subdivision of city from where the event originated as determined by the user's IP address.
- Mobile Connection - Specifies if a user is on a mobile connection as determined by their IP address.
- Player Name - States which video player generated the event
- Player Version - States the version of the video player that generated the event
- Startup Duration - Content - This timer represents the total time a user spent waiting for content to begin playback excluding any time related to requesting, loading or playing pre-roll ads.
- Timezone Name - The name of the user's timezone where the event originated based on their IP address.
- Timezone Offset - The difference in hours, relative to UTC, of the user's timezone.
- User Agent - Contains a number of tokens that refer to aspects of the user device, including the user's browser name and version, rendering engine, device’s model number, operating system and its version, etc.
- Ad Break ID - UUID to denote the specific ad break. This can be used to tie events together that occurred during a specific ad break.
- Ad Session ID - A Datazoom generated UUID to denote the specific ad asset playback. This can be used to tie events together that occurred during a specific ad item.
- Server Timestamp Offset - Time difference between the client side timestamp and the server side timestamp in milliseconds. A negative offset value would indicate that the Client is ahead of the server.
- Media Object Request (content) - Fired after the player has requested an object related to video playback. This object may be a manifest, audio/ video segment or subtitle file. The player will fire this event after the full roundtrip of request and response has completed.
- Buffer Length (CMCD) - The buffer length associated with the media object being requested.
- Buffer Starvation (CMCD) - Key is included without a value if the buffer was starved at some point between the prior request and this object request, resulting in the player being in a rebuffering state and the video or audio playback being stalled. This key MUST NOT be sent if the buffer was not starved since the prior request. If the object type ‘ot’ key is sent along with this key, then the ‘bs’ key refers to the buffer associated with the particular object type. If no object type is communicated, then the buffer state applies to the current session.
- Content ID (CMCD) - A unique string identifying the current content.
- Encoded Bitrate (CMCD) - The encoded bitrate of the audio or video object being requested. This may not be known precisely by the player; however, it MAY be estimated based upon playlist/manifest declarations. If the playlist declares both peak and average bitrate values, the peak value should be transmitted.
- Measured throughput (CMCD) - The throughput between client and server, as measured by the client and MUST be rounded to the nearest 100 kbps. This value, however derived, SHOULD be the value that the client is using to make its next Adaptive Bitrate switching decision. If the client is connected to multiple servers concurrently, it must take care to report only the throughput measured against the receiving server. If the client has multiple concurrent connections to the server, then the intent is that this value communicates the aggregate throughput the client sees across all those connections.
- Object Duration (CMCD) - The playback duration in milliseconds of the object being requested. If a partial segment is being requested, then this value MUST indicate the playback duration of that part and not that of its parent segment. This value can be an approximation of the estimated duration if the explicit value is not known.
- Object Type (CMCD) - The media type of the current object being requested: m = text file, such as a manifest or playlist a = audio only v = video only av = muxed audio and video i = init segment c = caption or subtitle tt = ISOBMFF timed text track k = cryptographic key, license or certificate. o = other If the object type being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.
- Playback Rate (CMCD) - 1 if real-time, 2 if double speed, 0 if not playing. SHOULD only be sent if not equal to 1.
- Request ID (CMCD) - A unique identifier that is established to track an individual media object request made from the client to a CDN.
- Session ID (CMCD) - A GUID identifying the current playback session. A playback session typically ties together segments belonging to a single media asset. Maximum length is 64 characters. It is RECOMMENDED to conform to the UUID specification [7].
- Startup (CMCD) - Key is included without a value if the object is needed urgently due to startup, seeking or recovery after a buffer-empty event. The media SHOULD not be rendering when this request is made. This key MUST not be sent if it is FALSE.
- Streaming Format (CMCD) - The streaming format that defines the current request. d = MPEG DASH h = HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) s = Smooth Streaming o = other If the streaming format being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.
- Top Bitrate (CMCD) - The highest bitrate rendition in the manifest or playlist that the client is allowed to play, given current codec, licensing and sizing constraints.
- Version (CMCD) - The version of the CMCD specification used for interpreting the defined key names and values.
Shaka Player
- Continent - The name of the continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Continent Code - The continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- District - The district, subdivision of city from where the event originated as determined by the user's IP address.
- Mobile Connection - Specifies if a user is on a mobile connection as determined by their IP address.
- Timezone Name - The name of the user's timezone where the event originated based on their IP address.
- Timezone Offset - The difference in hours, relative to UTC, of the user's timezone.
- Stop - When the player has entered a stopped state due to any reason such as the user hitting a stop button, backgrounding the app, user switches content or the content has ended playback.
- Continent - The name of the continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Continent Code - The continent from which the event originated based on the user's IP address.
- Deal ID (Google IMA) - Returns the first deal ID present in the wrapper chain for the current ad, starting from the top.
- District - The district, subdivision of city from where the event originated as determined by the user's IP address.
- Mobile Connection - Specifies if a user is on a mobile connection as determined by their IP address.
- Ready State - Identifies the current ready state of the audio/video
- Referrer URL - The URL of the page the user visited before coming to the active page.
- Site Domain - URL Domain of the site hosting the video player.
- Timezone Name - The name of the user's timezone where the event originated based on their IP address.
- Timezone Offset - The difference in hours, relative to UTC, of the user's timezone.
- Wrapper Creative IDs (Google IMA) - Selected creative IDs used for wrapper ads. The creative IDs returned starts at the inline ad and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- Wrapper ID (Google IMA) - Ad IDs used for wrapper ads. The IDs returned starts at the inline ad (innermost) and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
- Wrapper Systems (Google IMA) - Ad systems used for wrapper ads. The ad systems returned starts at the inline ad and traverses to the outermost wrapper ad.
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