Billing Credits & Pricing Details
Details regarding customer's available billing credits and usage pricing are now easily visible for all customer accounts. Go to Admin Settings/Usage & Billing to view current month usage trends plus all of the other details necessary to estimate your upcoming bill.
While configuring data pipes all Custom Events and Custom Metadata data points will be enabled by default and routed to the configured Connector destinations. Customers can choose to disable all Custom Events or all Custom Metadata to prevent routing of these data points to certain Connectors.
Data Points
Akamai AMP (tvOS)
- customMetadata - Customers can add any user or system data to the Datazoom data stream. Requires custom coding on the page or in the app by customer developer.
- Milestone - Fired when the playheadPosition passes a predetermined percentile milestone of the video's duration. This event is used for both Ads & Content. Current milestones are fired at the 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 & 95 percentiles.
- playbackStallCount - Number of times the user's playback has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion during a View.
- playbackStallDuration - The cumulative amount of time elapsed where the user's playback has been interrupted by an unexpected video stall due to buffer depletion during a View.
- timeSinceBufferStart - Time interval since Buffer Start event began during content playback, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when another Buffer Start event occurs.
- viewStartTimestamp - Start time of a new video view for the current user session. (Epoch UTC). Typically a new View begins with a Playback Request.
- milestonePercent - Number indicating the percentage milestone represented by the event fired. Attribute of Content Milestone & Ad Milestone
- renditionAudioBitrate - Target audio encoding bitrate of the currently selected rendition from the manifest. The manifest may contain multiple versions (i.e. renditions) of the asset encoded at varying qualities to support varying network conditions. This data point returns the audio bitrate value stated in the manifest for the currently playing rendition.
- renditionHeight - Height in pixels of the rendition being played. The manifest may contain multiple versions (i.e. renditions) of the video encoded at varying qualities to support varying network conditions.
- renditionName - Standardized name to represent the rendition currently being played.
- renditionVideoBitrate - Target bitrate of the currently selected video rendition from the manifest. The manifest may contain multiple versions (i.e. renditions) of the video encoded at varying qualities to support varying network conditions.
- renditionWidth - Width of the rendition being played. The manifest may contain multiple versions (i.e. renditions) of the video encoded at varying qualities to support varying network conditions.
- country - Full name of the user's country
- isp - Name of the end-user's internet service provider.
- playerHeight - Height dimension in pixels of the current playback area.
- playerWidth - Width dimension in pixels of the current playback area.
- region - The specific administrative division within a country where the event occurred. In the United States, regions correspond to state names ; for example, Washington or New York.
- sessionStartTimestamp - Start time of the current user session
- zipCode - The specific administrative division within a country where the event occurred. In the United States, zip codes correspond to postal region locator
- Buffer Start - Buffer Start identifies anytime the player has to wait for the video buffer to fill with video segments . This event includes all visible buffering activity including during playback startup, connectivity issues or buffering that may occur when resuming after seek or pause.
- timeSinceLastHeartbeat - Time interval since Heartbeat was last sent for the current content, reported in milliseconds
- timeSinceLastMilestone - Time interval since Heartbeat event was last sent for content, reported in milliseconds. Value is reset to zero at the start of a new video View or when another Heartbeat event occurs.
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