Our Akamai DataStream2 Log Collector provides an easy way to send your DataStream 2 logs to Datazoom. Using a complete Datazoom solution, CDN log data can be correlated with video player data to provide greater insight into CDN performance as it relates to video playback performance.
Before you proceed please confirm that you have DataStream added to your Akamai account.
Create a Datazoom CDN Collector
Review How to add a CDN Collector to start the process.
Give your Akamai CDN Collector a name, save it then re-open it. Click the “REVEAL API KEY” and copy your key. You’ll need it in the Akamai DataStream configuration steps below.
Configure DataStream 2
Follow the directions provided by Akamai to setup and configure DataStream 2 for your property.
Datazoom will map a subset of the available data points in DataStream 2 to our equivalent CDN Data Dictionary key names.
When configuring the data set parameters, select JSON as the log format
Image below from Akamai DataStream setup
Use the following settings when selecting a destination for your logs:
Destination: Custom HTTPS
Display Name: Descriptive Name
Endpoint URL: https://streaming.datazoom.io/cdn/v1/logs/API_KEY_HERE
Authentication: NONE
Image below from Akamai DataStream setup
Continue to follow the steps outlined in the Akamai documentation to add your DataStream 2 configuration to your property. Once complete, you will need to add this new Collector to a Data Pipe. If you’re new to this, please review How to configure a Data Pipe.
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